Sep 15, 2006

New & Improved

Hi all. I admit it -- I wrote myself into a funk. I know that I did this because I found myself not wanting to write anymore. I took a look at my last blog, Tricks and Tortles, and realized that it wasn't what I wanted my blog to be. It was sad. It was angry. It was pissed off rantings about things, even if i wasn't particularly pissed off. it was a lot of crap and puss that -- let's face it -- NO ONE enjoys.

so, here i am. i'm back, and i'm going to try this thing again. i think it'll be better. i think it will be because my life is better. we've all had jobs we didn't like, and made some bad decisions, blah blah, crap and puss, blah. but now, i do enjoy my job, however boring it may be from time to time... the BEST thing, however, about my life at the moment is that i'm living in the most wonderful city in this crap-tastic country, and i have only a CHOICE gathering of folks surrounding me. of course, i can't have it all -- there are a few people out there who i'd love to have closer, but for the sake of a consistently happy life, my charming fiance and my sister (paired w/ her furry and also-fantastic husband) are the top peas in my pod.

i have the most wonderful fiance, by the way. he makes my life so... GOOD. those of you who have REALLY found someone who will always give you the last piece of perfectly-ripe mango, or warm your icy feet on his tummy 365 days a year, or tell you that he still can't get enough of your love, regardless of the extra pounds you've put on since getting together... YOU know what i'm talking about. there's NOTHING like this, and NO ONE like him.

my sister is pretty much completely opposite from me. and yet, we're strangely alike... that's sisterhood for you, i suppose. she's super-crafty and gifted, driven, healthy, level-headed, and - oh yeah - she's a ga-brilliant DOCTOR. freaking PHD, for Christ's sake. i'm lucky i can SPELL P-H-D... i think i'm missing a lower-case letter in there somewhere, but what the hell do i care -- (i'm clearly opposed to consistently correct capitalization).

so anywho, welcome to my new and improved blog. it should be happier, and lighter, and well, not depressing as fuck to read. no promises, however -- i am, afterall, eternally the middle sibling of three children. in addition, NO ONE'S life is perfect, and if they were, blogs would be boring as fuck to read...

and we can't have
that, can we...?!


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